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Blue Ridge Rabbit Meat Co. Review+Recipe!

Bunny lovers beware! We're going to be reviewing some of the fabulous goodies that we got from Blue Ridge Rabbit Meat Co. (BRRMCo)

First off, thank you to Sarah from BRRMCo, she was so helpful throughout the entire process. She sent us three products to test out as she launches her pet food and treat line from the farm. We can't wait to order from her again in the future!

Products Tested:

Dehydrated Rabbit Jerky: ($9) Finely ground organs and bone extruded and dehydrated into jerky sticks

Dehydrated Rabbit Ears: ($7) Just as they sound- fur and all!

Dehydrated Organs: ($10) An assortment of lungs, liver and hearts.


My experience with BRRMCo was great. Sarah reached out to us and hand selected a great variety of her products. She was super knowledgeable about her rabbits, working on the farm herself, and made sure shipping was quick and efficient. Once we got the package in the mail, each item was carefully packed and branded with the company logo.

Each product was individually packaged and reasonably priced for the quantity. I love the 3.5 oz quantities for starting out with a new protein source. I have never given Stella rabbit before, so being able to buy relatively small quantities to gauge her interest is perfect for a beginner like me. Stella made quick work of trying everything- here are her thoughts!:

Rabbit Jerky:

These little treat sticks are perfect for taking out and about for training exercises. Whenever I take Stella on walks in the city, I pop one of these sticks in my pocket to use whenever a training opportunity arises. I love that they're fully dried and cured and don't crumble apart when we're out and about. They have a great toughness to them, when I treat Stella she can just take a little nibble off the end without breaking the jerky stick. They're pungent and flavorful without leaving an oily residue on my hands, which I appreciate! I would describe the texture as somewhere between a bully stick and a Greenie.

Dehydrated Rabbit Ears:

If you're squeamish, the ears may not be for you. My boyfriend can't handle feeding these, but Stella sure does love them! The ears (with their fur and tufts of fuzz) have been great at keeping Stella regular. Also- feeding furs can help with deworming! These ears have a great chew to them, and I don't have to worry about them splintering or causing a choking hazard like standard rawhides. Just like the jerky, they have a distinct odor of real raw foods, but aren't overly pungent. We've been storing them in a cool dry pantry cabinet, and haven't had any issues with moisture. They keep very well in their original packaging.

We've also been using the ears for backyard enrichment. I'll bury one under some leaves before I let Stella out for playtime, she has a blast rummaging through the leaves looking for a tasty treat!

Dehydrated Organs:

These are by far Stella's favorites! The light, crunchy texture of these organs are perfect high-quality snacks to bring on your next hiking trip. They're not oily, are super lightweight and pack a nutritious punch. Stella has a bad habit of picking around the organ meats in her food bowl, but I'm able to supplement what she may miss at mealtime with these amazing dehydrated treats.

I've purchased dehydrated organ meat before from Petco, but they are aways scented and oily and seem to have been treated with some sort of shiny lacquer or preservative. These are as natural as they get, to the point where you can identify what you're feeding which I appreciate as a raw feeder.

Overall, we love the variety of products that BRRMCo offers, and their customer service and passion for their rabbits. Shopping from a small family owned farm is exactly what I envisioned when starting out on this raw feeding journey, and I'm so thankful to have found just that for Stella!

This assortment of products was a great introduction for me and Stella, to see if rabbit meat is something we'd like to incorporate into her diet. Since they were such a big hit, our next purchase will be a full hide-on rabbit! We're dabbling into whole prey model feeding, and I can't think of another family farm I'd trust more to feed my pup!

If you're interested in trying some rabbit out on your pup, check out the awesome selection at:

Use code SARAHBLOG for 5% off your purchase!

With Valentines day just around the corner, I wanted to make Stella something special. My favorite Valentines day treat are chocolate covered strawberries, so naturally, I set out out make Stella a pup-approved version.

Here's a fun little Valentines Day recipe for Carob Covered Bunny Ears using our goodies from Blue Ridge Rabbit Meat Co.!

Carob Covered Bunny Ears:


6 Dehydrated rabbit ears

3/4 cup Unsweetened Carob Chips

1 tbsp coconut or olive oil

Freeze dried fruits or veggies (We used dried banana and Purple Sweet potato!)


Wax or Parchment Paper

Narrow Upright glass


  1. Place your carob chips into a microwave safe container, and microwave on high for 45 seconds or so. Mix, and heat in intervals of 10 seconds until an even, smooth consistency. If it gets a little 'crunchy', add a few drops of oil and mix until a smooth liquid.

Pour the melted carob into your narrow upright glass. One at a time, dip each rabbit ear in the carob. Place ears onto wax or parchment paper. Scrape excess melted carob off the ears on the side of the glass.

Lightly crush your freeze dried fruits and veg in a Ziploc bag with a rolling pin. Sprinkle on top of the carob-coated ears, and let to cool completely at room temp.

Store carob coated bunny ears in a cool dark place.

Carob acts a lot like chocolate (meaning it will melt if it gets warm!) so you can choose to keep them in the fridge or freezer to preserve freshness. I recommend letting them completely cool and harden at room temp before moving them to the fridge or freezer.

And there you have it! Don't forget to use our code SARAHBLOG to save on your order from Blue Ridge Rabbit Meat Co. Thanks for reading, and thank you again to Sarah at Blue Ridge Rabbit Meat Co for letting us test out her awesome products!

If you're interested in having one of your dog items reviewed and tested out by Stella and I, send us an email at!


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